Monday, June 17, 2019

I suck at blogging

Man I gotta remember to post stuff occasionally (sorry about that). Here's a few things you may not have seen during my long hiatus....

 I love pinups and painting them but I've been trying to become faster and more accurate anatomy wise.Also working with limited colors. I'm really drawn to her eyes... (drawn...har)

Inspired by the Masque of the Red Death and way too much stoner metal. The original in tent was to print it up like a blacklight poster...unfortunately cost was to prohibitive for me to make it (if you netizens have a printer that will do it maybe we can...y'

Upcoming album for Thug Riot done by yours truly.. Kind of an homage to the first Besmirchers album I did (Hence the return of Lemmy.and tons od hidden stuff. Before I found out how many band members I was going to have to paint the Marshall triple stack in the background had the "L's" removed from the logo so it read "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha"
...I think I've come to the dad joke phase of my life...  

My artistic take on an internet classic

I crap bigger than you

Comic stuff...nothing to see here
More soon(er than usual)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Shirt Design _ Raylene's Zombie Removal - New art in the running to be a full fledged shirt! Got several requests to make this into a shirt so here she is. Please vote and spread the word so you can gird yer rib meats in fine art! Show some love!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"What is the meaning of it, Watson?" says Holmes solemnly. "What is the object of this circle of misery and violence and fear? It must have a purpose, or else our universe has no meaning, which is unthinkable. But what purpose? That, is humanity's great problem, to which reason so far, has no answer."